1) We are still living in a time of pandemic - the virus has not gone anywhere. The Welsh Government advises wearing one in Wales in all situations in which it is not possible to social distance from people.
2) Those in positions of influence and power (lol) should act like it, and lead by example in situations where wearing a mask would be appropriate. (See above photo, but also various other photos on my website and my Twitter profile). If I were going to my health centre for a check up, wearing a mask in that environment would be appropriate.
3) For me, leading by example is the only leadership style worth its salt. 'Do as I say, not as I do' is a trashy leadership style of the past that deserves to be confined to history.
4) It sends a signal to those who follow you that you are taking the pandemic seriously and that they can trust you to act in a way that is safe. This will make people feel more comfortable coming out of lock down and allow people to feel safe when approaching you for help. It also sends a signal of how you expect them to behave towards you.
4) I've not talked about it much here, if at all, but I'm currently running to be the Lib Dem candidate for Cardiff Central for the Senedd elections next year. I fully expect masks will be necessary on the campaign trail. But even if they aren't, campaigning next year will not be as we know it. It can't be. So we shouldn't be behaving in selection campaigns as if we're in normal times.
5) My friend made awesome face masks with some cool fabric that she happened to have lying around, because she's fabulously creative, talented, and generous. (Yes, this one does have a Jungle Book design).
But in all seriousness, wear a bloody mask. Please. There are still far too few politicians doing so, and it risks sending a message that not wearing a mask (if you can) is OK. And it isn't. I know some people are desperate to get back to 'normal' but we are not in normal times, and to act like we are is frankly gas lighting those who have suffered directly as a result of this virus or who have lost loved ones to it. Have a bit more respect, if not for the safety of yourself, then for the safety of others.
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