It's time to properly recognise unseen but necessary work

It's clear that as a result of the current pandemic, some are losing out more than others, but the one group that seems to get talked about the least in this regard is women. I can't help but feel that this is because the fall out that is having a disproportionate affect on women, is just seen as some by a natural consequence of these times, or even worse that this is the natural order of things to which we should return post Covid-19.

And I'm sorry to say (or maybe I'm not), but part of the solution to this is men stepping up. Especially those who are working harder than ever feeding the toxic beast that is presenteeism, and even more so those who are supposed to be on furlough but who are working despite this. For the sake of your families, and for the sake of yourselves, down tools once in a while and really look at all the other work going on around you, that you don't participate equally in.

I get that there's a real fear of job loss, but the solution isn't to scramble all over each other, and compete to be the one not to fall victim to redundancy. The solution is to come together and demand better, for everyone. And that starts at home, with your family and friends, but goes beyond that because this affects how we all live our lives. 

It plays into some people's interests to reduce us to a rabble that fights amongst each other, rather than sitting back and questioning why we allow ourselves to be played this way by a system that is demonstrably unfit for purpose in these times (and arguably has been for some time anyway). 

By a system that only values (in a monetary sense at least) work done outside the home, by a system that sees the economy merely through the lens of profit and loss, and by a system that doesn't care about the environmental, health or well being consequences of always caring about the bottom line above all else.

Without women (and it is women, by and large) at home, caring for children, older relatives, or those less able to look after themselves, and without women (by and large) doing invisible domestic work (both the mental and physical kind), the whole 'economy', as it is traditionally seen, falls apart. Because brutally speaking men can't go out (or stay in) to work if the children aren't being looked after, or if chores aren't being done for them. 

This system doesn't just trap women, it traps men as well. It limits us all in what we can achieve and do with our time. It damages our health and well being, and demands a huge proportion of our energy and time in exchange for very little (especially when you consider the ever rising cost of living). 

Now is a time for reflecting on the world we have created and participate in, and really thinking about whether this is the 'normal' we want to return to. Or whether we collectively realise that we all deserve better, and fight for a future where society is more compassionate, equal and fair. 
